Earth Air Water – Lydia Bauman
Earth Air Water
Brick Lane Gallery
29 May – 4 June 10 – 6
Lydia Bauman is a Polish born landscape artist based in London. She uses an unconventional mixed media technique which includes plaster, resin, wax, rusting and patina solutions, gold and silver leaf.
Current exhibition assembles three distinct bodies of work which have preoccupied the artist in the last three years:
Earth from the air : the closest Bauman ever gets to abstraction is by looking at the earth google-earth style, from above. Her varied and organic technique suggests the natural flows and textures of landscape, while creating an ambiguity of scale – is this a earth seen form a great distance, or viewed right under our feet?
Reflections : A recent trip to New Zealand and discovery of blue Pacific light inspired a series in which planes of water and sky intermingle by means of reflections.
Gold and Silver leaf: urban tree plantations, whether birches in front of Tate Modern or young trees growing in tubs against an office block near Old Street roundabout, get a bit of glamour by being set against a background of gold or silver leaf. Diptychs and polyptychs are a nod to Lydia’s love of medieval altarpieces at the National Gallery.