10th – 20th June

Opening: Instagram Live 9th June 6 pm

Stephny Ofreneo

Bruna Fernandes

Paige Wallwork

Lisa Marie Ramirez

Caroline Bowder-Ridger

Megan Hatton

Christy Mitterhuber

Ninni Hellström

Meryem Ajaraâm

STEPHNY OFRENEO @artistephny

Stephny’s brush stroke technique is channeled by feelings pulled from music + experiences.

This collection was created to express the juxtaposition of abundance + liberation in life experiences—relatable for all. She focused on acoustic songs that reflected being at peace with oneself and embodied the emotions in bold colors that arose from the music. Her artwork is interpretive + is meant to have you feel…not just see.



Bruna Fernandes is a 31 years old contemporary painter from Brazil. Bruna is buddhist, and likes meditating and investigating the mind before putting her emotions in the canvas, and believes Tibetan buddhism helps her reflect on her inspirations in a more meaningful way.


PAIGE WALLWORK @paigewallwork

The inspiration for my art begins with nature, however, the form and concept can evolve quite dramatically during the art making process.

My art practice is expressive and intuitive without a preconceived notion of what the final outcome will be.

“I’m fascinated by artist David Batchelor’s musings on ‘chromophobia’ or a “fear of corruption or contamination through colour, particularly in the western societal context. In the west, using multi colours in design and the arts can be seen as infantile, pathological and unsophisticated.  This notion compels me to be even more experimental with colour.”



For me, every work of art, like the situation, the feeling or the people it embodies,
is individual. Life can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways and
I have made it my mission to convey this variety of interpretations through my creativity. I want to think outside the box – together.
Let’s get out of the boxes we know.
Because thoughts are the greatest art. An Art of it’s own that connects us.


CAROLINE BOWDER-RIDGER @caroline_bowderridger

Caroline’s abstract work is in response to the urban landscape, memories and experiences. During the painting and print process the layering, texture and marks become important in recording the passage of time in a megacity.


MEGAN HATTON @artist.megan

Megan is a UK artist based in Nottingham, who creates abstract artwork focusing on colour and texture. Megan actively connects the two disciplines of Fashion Design and Fine Art, utilising her experience of working at Fashion Brands. Within her studies she links fabric texture with her love of colour thus fusing her two passions together.


CHRISTINA MITTERHUBER @christinamitterhuber

Christina is an Austrian mixed media artist, who originally studied to be a professional make-up artist. Her work is very informed by emotion. She’s made up to 1000 paintings over the course of her career.


NINNI HELLSTRÖM @ninnipaintings

The abstract art form did I started experimenting with during lockdown. So different from my detailed work and so fun. I put layer upon layer of paint in oil paint with a palette knife. Except for my painting “Chill out” and “Go Crazy”, as you see here. However, the painting “Go crazy” is in a different style and an acrylic painting. There I just went crazy.


MERYEM AJARAÂM@meryem.ajaraam

Meryem Ajaraâm, is a self-taught artist based in Rabat, Morocco.

The pieces currently exhibited are part of the Fragments (All-consuming echoes) Collection. A series of impulsive, spontaneous artworks, asking what it means to be human.  From dramatic hues to much brighter compositions, each stroke is driven by the rhythm of chaos and self discovery

The Brick Lane Gallery – The Annexe

93 – 95 Sclater Street | London | E1 6HR

IG: https://www.instagram.com/bricklanegallery/